Archive: Novembre 12th, 2018

• IGU Newsletter October 2018

Here you find the Newsletter #28 of the International Geographical Union

• 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting

Deadline for abstracts 10 December 2018 (See

Sustainable Geography – Geographies of Sustainability

The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, June 16 – 19 2019

The term ‘sustainable development’ has become part of our everyday vocabulary, especially after the World Commission on Environment and Development published its report Our Common Future in 1987. As a result of the Commission’s report, the consequences of economic reason for all living systems, was explicitly put on the agenda. Thus, through sustainable development economic growth and long term environmental concerns were configured as compatible and in fact complementary with securing a sustainable common future. While the notions of sustainable development and sustainability have received widespread criticism for being all-encompassing, apolitical and elitist, they are still very much part of the rhetoric ‘weaponry’ mobilized, now often in combination with the terms green economy and green growth, to describe and prescribe why and how to deal with contemporary and future global challenges.
Sustainable Geography – Geographies of Sustainability provide opportunities to engage with ideas of sustainability within geographical scholarship, the politics of sustainability beyond the academy and the shifting discipline of geography itself. At the 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim we ask: What are the emerging challenges across the world and what role should or could the discipline of geography play in addressing and solving them, both within and beyond the academy? What emotions, behaviours, moralities, powers, transformations, hopes, grieves and responsibilities at different scales are implicated in thinking and acting sustainably? To what extent are our conceptual and methodological toolkits attuned to the shifting geographies of sustainability of the world today? Resources are distributed based on historically unmatched levels of inequality. Are we, then, at a point in time where ‘our uncommon future’ is becoming an increasingly apt diagnosis? What alternative agendas and concepts are emerging that challenge or complement sustainability as a problem formulation and agenda for the future?
See for details

• CIGAL, Conférence Internationale de Géographie Anarchiste et Libertaire

Cher.e.s collègues,

Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel à communication pour la 2ème CIGAL, Conférence Internationale de Géographie Anarchiste et Libertaire qui aura lieu du 12 au 16 juin 2019 à Rabastens dans le Tarn (France) sur le thème de le thème “Se réapproprier le territoire, lutter contre les dominations”. Nous vous invitons à diffuser l’information très largement.

Les propositions sont attendues pour le 21 décembre 2018.

Dans l’attente de vos propositions, nous vous souhaitons une belle journée à toutes et à tous.

Le comité scientifique

Barrera Gerónimo, Baudoin Julien, Bénos Rémi, Blot Frédérique, Cantagrel Cécile, Cecillon Martine, Courcelle
Thibault, Diegx, Dietrich Judicaelle, Ferretti Federico, Fossier Gilles, Ince Anthony, Lamarche Karine, Berdjouh
Majid, Maestripieri Nicolas, Malaterre Nathalie, Maraud Simon, Massé Pauline, Matuzesky Guillaume, Minder
Patrick, Palome Manue, Pélenc Jérôme, Pelletier Philippe, Springer Simon, Poirrier Suzie, Tillous Marion,
Tomassi Isabella, White Richard, Zanetti Thomas.
Dear colleagues,

You will find attached a call for papers for the 2nd ICALG, International Conference of Anarchist and Libertarian Geography, which will take place from June 12th to 16th, 2019 in Rabastens (Tarn-France) on the theme of “Reclaiming the territory, fight against dominations “. We invite you to spread the information very widely.

The proposals are expected until the 21 December 2018.

Looking forward to your proposals, we wish you a nice day.

The scientific committee
Estimado.a.s colegas,

Encontraron adjunta una convocatoria de ponencias para la 2da CIGAL, Conferencia Internacional de Geografía Anarquista y Libertaria, que tendrá lugar del 12 al 16 de junio de 2019 en Rabastens (Tarn-Francia) sobre el tema “Reapropriarse el territorio, lucha contra dominaciones”. Le invitamos a difundir la información muy ampliamente.

Las propuestas estan esperadas hasta el 21 de diciembre de 2018.

Esperando sus propuestas, les deseamos un buen día.

El comité científico

• PGSG Preconference at the AAG 2019

For those planning to attend the AAG Annual Conference in Washington D.C.

Here is the call for the traditional preconference organized but the AAG Political Geography Specialty Group (PGSG):

Please mark your calendars for the Political Geography Specialty Group preconference on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. The event will be hosted by the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University. Details are now available on the PGSG website at:

Abstracts are not due until the end of January (the end of February for posters), but if you want to submit early while you are in an abstract-submitting-mood for the AAG, please do so!

• Security dynamics in Asia, Maghreb and Europe

International conference titled “The impact of rivalry between China, Russia and the United States on security dynamics in Asia, Maghreb and Europe”.

The conference will take place in Krakow, Poland, on November 22-23 (2018) at the Jagiellonian University.


• 2019 Regional Studies Association Annual Conference

The theme of the 2019 Regional Studies Association Annual Conference is „Pushing Regions beyond their border“

Deadline Abstract Submission : 28February 2019

• Making the map

Making the map: cross-border and intercultural representations from Ancient history to today
Mulhouse – 20, 21, 22 May 2019
Université de Haute-Alsace

The conference aims to reflect on and debate the cartography of transboundary and intercultural phenomena. Through an international lens, and drawing from multiple disciplines, it ought to contribute to the conceptualisation of maps independent of political borders by inviting us to think about them across three axes: time (How compatible have intercultural phenomena and cartographic enterprises been throughout history?), space (what are the possible approaches when mapping intercultural or cross-border phenomena depending on the area of study, of creation and of diffusion of maps?), and method (how/why can making maps show such phenomena?).

Deadline 30 November 2018
See details in the Calls in German, French and English in the attachments and on the site du CRESAT

• The Arab World Geographer


3rd International Conference of The Arab World Geographer (AWG)

Topic: The Arab Encounter with Africa: Past, Present and Future

In Zanzibar, Tanzania, January 8-10, 2019

The AWG will host its third International Conference from the 8th to 10th of January 2019 in Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania. Social science scholars and other interested persons are welcome to submit abstracts for a 20-25 minute presentation and participate in field trips in this fascinating island where Arabs and Moslems contributed to culture and society for many centuries in the past and continue to do so today. The organizers of the conference are aware of this short notice and somewhat more unusual location in the Indian Ocean. However, we are hoping that the choice of time and place will be compensated for attendees by the fact that it will be the summer season in Zanzibar in January, and for those coming from the Northern Hemisphere it will also be a chance to escape the winter and enjoy a memorable break, combining an academic conference with a stay in a uniquely intriguing tropical environment of the Zanzibar Archipelago. The conference venue will be in Stone Town, also known as Mji Mkongwe (Swahili for “old town”) which is the old part of Zanzibar City. The AWG wishes to offer this opportunity to explore an important research topic for geographers and other interested individuals supporting and contributing to our journal. Select conference papers will be considered for a special double issue of the AWG.

Those interested can submit a 250-word abstract by 25 November 2018 to the Editor-in-Chief of the AWG (Ghazi-Walid Falah) at Abstracts will be reviewed and once accepted, authors will be asked to pay a registration fee of US$250 (Early-bird registration ends November 30, 2018). Registration after November 30th is US$450. Guest registration: US$15. [Guest registration is designed for the spouse, partner, or family members of the registrant]. Participants will be responsible for their own expenses (flight and hotel).

• Societies and Spaces in Contact

Enclosed please find the information and call for papers for a
Conference on Societies and Spaces in Contact

that will be held in Portorož-Portorose (Slovenia) 16-20 September 2019
It is organized by Milan Bufon , Scien and research Centre Koper, Slovenia.

Papers should consider the following main Conference Themes:
– European national and regional minorities: from territorialities of exclusion to territorialities of inclusion
– Policies for cultural diversity and social integration within a multilevel decisional context
– Migrants and “new minorities”: factor of conflict or development potential?
– Spatial and social transformations in contact areas: towards an integrated approach
– Cross-border cooperation and planning: past experiences and future trends
– The perception of the “other”: mental maps and narratives
– Cultural diversity, multiculturalism and education: language policies and societal building

Two excursions in the Istrian region and in Trieste-Trst (Italy)
Keynote speakers are Tove H. Malloy (Europa-Universität Flensburg) and Colin H. Williams (Cardiff University)

Abstract submission between 1 November 2018 and 30 April 2019

See pdf for more information.


International Symposium on the History of Geographical Thought
University College Dublin, Belfield (Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland)
10-12 July 2019

Deadline 14 December 2018

Dr Federico Ferretti (UCD School of Geography); Dr Arlene Crampsie (UCD School of Geography)

Symposium Themes
Although inserted in the programme of the periodical symposia organised by the IGU Commission on the History of Geography, this conference is also designed as a tribute to Anne Buttimer (1938-2017), one of the first cofounders
and inspirations of our Commission and an international leading figure in geography. Buttimer’s archives were bequeathed to UCD School of Geography, where they are the core of ongoing and projected scholarly
endeavours. Therefore, the research problematics addressed by Buttimer, like ethics and values in geography, the importance of life experiences and the cultural implications of the relations between humans and environments
among others will be the main focus of the symposium. Additionally, some of the topics that Buttimer addressed, such as the geographical invention of national identities and imaginations, are very important for present-day
scholarly and political debates in Ireland, given that 2019 falls in the middle of the period 2016-2022, that is the second part of the ‘decade of centenaries’, commemorating the steps which led to Irish independence and
resonating with current discussions on geographies of anti-colonialism.
Therefore, we especially welcome contributions on:
 Geographies of nation building and of the invention of national identities and traditions
 National, regional, transnational and supranational geographical imaginations
 Geographies of (‘internal’ and ‘external’) colonialism
 Geographies of anti-colonialism
 Historical geographies of Ireland and of the ‘British Isles’
 Biography, autobiography and geography
 Geographies of lived spaces and life worlds
 Humans and environments
 Critical and humanistic approaches to geography
 Ethics and values in geography
 Sources in historical geography and the history of geography: between oral histories and archives
 Any other topic in the history of geography (to be included in open sessions)

Abstract Submission: please submit an abstract (of not more than 250 words) along with your name, institutional
affiliation and email address to and by December 14th 2018.

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