

21-25.08.2015, Beijing, China

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 March, 2016

Notification of Acceptance: 30 April, 2016

Deadline for Early bird Registration: 15 May, 2016

Commission on Political Geography Preconference in Guangzhou

More information:


Other Future Events


Invitation à co-construire les « Rencontres de géopolitique critique »   L’Afrique et le postcolonial : quels apports de la géopolitique? Grenoble, du 16 au 19 mars 2016 (in French)

L’Afrique est un continent pris dans des histoires et des géographies postcoloniales complexes, qui donnent à voir des rapports de pouvoir territoriaux intriqués avec le capitalisme global contemporain. Pour dénouer les fils de ces relations spatiales et temporelles qui produisent de nombreuses injustices et inégalités, la géopolitique critique peut être un outil particulièrement pertinent pour construire des discours alternatifs sur le continent africain.

Les Rencontres de géopolitique critique se dérouleront du 16 au 19 mars 2016 et prendront la forme de tables rondes et de débats pour impliquer les personnes concernées en premier lieu par les situations de conflits afin d’envisager les différentes échelles concernées et sortir d’un nationalisme méthodologique.

Ainsi à titre d’exemple, voici plusieurs champs thématiques sur lesquels nous souhaitons échanger : toute autre proposition ne peut être reçue qu’avec intérêt.

– « Les nouvelles formes de conflits et de guerres »

– « Frontières et migrations : repenser les liens nord / sud et sud / nord »

– « Accaparement de terres et économie de rentes »

– « Les politiques de la traduction et du langage : écrits et oraux »

– « De la colonialité des esprits à la décolonisation des savoirs »

Cette initiative collaboratrice est née de discussions entre des membres du collectif de recherches FAMME (Frontières, Altérité, Marges, Mondialisation, Expérimentation) du laboratoire PACTE (“Politiques publiques, ACtion politique, Territoires” qui associe le CNRS, l’université de Grenoble-Alpes et l’Institut d’Études Politiques de Grenoble), l’association Modus Operandi qui mène des activités de recherche participative et de formation à Grenoble et en Afrique ainsi que de plusieurs collectifs associatifs de l’agglomération grenobloise.

Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez nous contacter à l’adresse suivante :

Un retour d’intention vous est demandé avant la date du 15 février 2016 afin de nous retourner vos propositions en vue du bon déroulement des « Rencontres de géopolitique critique ».


Association of American Geographers (AAG) Political Geography Speciality Group (PGSG) preconference San Francisco, USA, March 28.

PGSG preconference will be held on March 28 at Hilton San Francisco Union Square, a venue for the subsequent AAG annual meeting. For detailed information about PGSG preconference and PGSG-related calls for papers, please visit their website at


Association of American Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, San Francisco, USA, March 29 – April 2, 2016

The meeting will be held at Hilton San Francisco Union Square and will feature over 5,500 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. The deadline of abstract submission is October 29th (as of October 17th). The AAG website ( provides any kind of information about the meeting.


International Conference “The Return of Geopolitics,” University of Arizona, April 4-5, 2016

An International Conference Sponsored by the World Society Foundation,-University-of-Arizona,-April-4-5,-2016


Borders and Mobility: 33rd Annual Spring Symposium of the Centre for South Asian Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai’I, April 6-8, 2016.

For detailed information, please visit the Center for South Asian Studies website at:


Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) Annual Conference, April 13-16, 2016, Reno, Nevada, USA

ABS Annual Meetings are held in conjunction with the Western Social Science Association‘s annual conference at Grand Sierra Resort and Casino (2500 E 2nd St, Reno, NV 89502, United States). The Association for Borderlands Studies invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels related to the study of borders. Papers on all topics and areas concerned with border studies are invited but papers related to the theme for the 2016 annual conference“Borders in the XXI century: Border institutions and governance” will particularly be welcome. For more detailed information, please look at:


15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference “Cities, States and Borders: From the Local to the Global,” Hamburg (Germany) – Sønderborg (Denmark), May 17-20, 2016

The objective of the 15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference organized by the University of Southern Denmark, the University of Hamburg and the HafenCity University Hamburg is to rethink the complicated relationships that bind cities and state borders. The conference will offer a unique opportunity to explore the collaborative or competitive strategies of this odd couple under the current circumstances of globalization. The conference website is:


Contemporary Crisis and Changes: Geoeconomical and Geopolitical Approaches International Conference, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA), Reims, France, May 26 and 27, 2016

This conference will be organized by François Bost and Stéphane Rosière, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, EA 2076 Habiter and supported by the IGU-CPG. For several years, the world seems to have entered a period of high instability. Economically, the “subprime mortgage crisis” appeared in 2007 in the USA, then spread planet wide in all areas of activity, leading to lower growth and unemployment. In geopolitical terms, tension spots have also multiplied (Middle East, Ukraine) and challenge the borders, generating strong migratory waves. This process, by itself, carries conflicts. The aim of the conference “Contemporary Crisis and changes” is to question these contemporary upheavals through both a geo-economic and a geopolitical reading. Deadline for submission: 1 December 2015. More information (English and French),18852,32229.html


Borders, Walls and Violence: Costs and Alternatives to Border Fencing: International conference organized by the Raoul Dandurand Chair at the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Montreal, Canada, June 1-3, 2016

The conference website:


An International Conference on Migration and Borders 2016, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China, August 27-30

This is a small conference of approximately 40 scholars (15 foreign and 25 Chinese). Full cost will be covered for foreign scholars selected, including a round trip from Beijing (after the IGC) to Kunming, accommodation and other fees. The overall theme of the conference is Migration and Borders. Within this broad context, we will explore aspects of culture, economy, environment and security. Foreign participation will be limited based on the availability of funding. To be considered for participation and funding, please submit a brief letter requesting consideration with a title and a brief 150 word abstract of a presentation related to the theme, and one of the specific aspects. Application deadline is 15 February, 2016. Please submit application to Scientific Committee for the ‘Migration and Borders Conference’ and send to


1st International Conference on Geographies of Migration and Mobility (iMigMob), Loughborough University, UK, July 18-20, 2016

In the ‘age of migration’, where migration and mobilities are prominent daily and emotive topics on the radar of media, politicians, and wider populations, debating the processes and patterns of sub-national and international movements are imperative.  Yet, a dedicated international conference on these ‘geographies’ of migration and mobility is currently lacking, and opportunities to debate the spatialities of migration and mobility are limited.  Understandings can be enriched by bringing together scholars, whose work deepens knowledge of the movement of people across space, as migration (e.g. Castles, Champion, Cooke, Ellis, King, Wright) or mobility (e.g. Adey, Bissell, Cresswell, Merriman) unfolds within and across neighbourhoods, local, regional, national, continental boundaries and borders.  In proposing this new conference, our aim is to cultivate and share different disciplinary perspectives of migration and mobilities, and to firmly fix the spotlight on the intersections between population and demographic research and the wider social science tradition of work on mobilities.

Please submit abstracts (maximum 150 words) before 19th February to:  (Professor Darren Smith).

To register for the conference see:

The conference is kindly sponsored by: Population Geography Research Group of RGS-IBG; Social and Cultural Geography Research Group of RGS-IBG; British Society for Population Studies (BSPS).

There will be 10+ bursaries to support the attendance of new career, postgraduate, and unwaged delegates (please send email to Dr Sophie Cranston (


Third international Summer School in Peace and Conflict Studies, State sovereignty and Conflicted Commons: Violence, Displacement, Cohabitation, ECPR/University of Cyprus, Nicosia, July 10-22, 2016

International Teaching Faculty: Rob Nixon (Princeton University), Rebecca Bryant (LSE), Klaus Dodds (Royal Holloway, University of London), Yael Navaro (University of Cambridge), Julian Reid (University of Lapland).


24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA-AISP), Istanbul, Turkey, July 23-28, 2016

Sessions of the Research Committee (RC) 15 Political and Cultural Geography


Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference, London, UK, August 30 – September 02, 2016

Hotel geopolitics: nexuses of geopower and hospitality across time and space and other sessions sponsored by the Political Geography Research Group (PolGRG) (Calls still open). For detail, see:


1st International Conference on “Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders,” Athens, Greece, September 23-25, 2016

The Conference seeks to examine issues in the ongoing construction of European identity, including notions of diversity and (physical and symbolic) borders. It will focus on critical investigations that draw on discourse theory or bottom-up textual analysis to investigate these topics from the following perspectives:

  • historical,  to explore the determinants which have been used to support a collective European identity;
  • geopolitical, to understand the importance of space and its role in the European edifice;
  • ideological/discursive, to investigate, synchronically and diachronically, key concepts that have informed EU practices of inclusion and exclusion.

Methodologically, the Conference will highlight discourse as a major practice that both shapes and reflects European identity.

The Conference welcomes contributions that investigate the role that key European Union texts have played in forging, maintaining or challenging European identities. The conference will thus highlight identity not as a static concept but as a construct that is continually negotiated and re-written in multiple discourses.

In addition to attracting contributions from discourse analysts and linguists,  the Conference hopes to bring together leading scholars and researchers from a broad range of other fields, including history, European studies, cultural theory, media studies, sociology, political science, economics, and ethnology.


10th European urban & Regional Studies Conference “Europe, Crisis and Uneven Development,” Mediterranean Agricultural Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece, September 14-16, 2016

Europe is witnessing a profound period of crisis and uneven development. The Eurozone crisis is re-shaping economic and geo-political relations across the continent. Reactions to the 2007/8 financial crisis still rebound and austerity remains a primary neo-liberal response. At the same time Europe is impacted by a crisis of migration and mobility arising from events in the Middle East and North Africa. These dynamics continue to have important consequences for Europe’s cities and regions; re-working in complex ways the inter-dependencies between place and the lived experiences of austerity urbanism and regionalism. The global rise of ‘new powers’ are also having an impact on how Europe, its citizens, and its cities and regions are connected to the wider world. The 10th European Urban and Regional Studies conference aims to consider a wide range of consequences of these changes as well as other themes relating to European urban and regional change.


27e Festival International de Géographie, 30 septembre — 2 octobre 2016, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges (in French)

Thème : Un monde qui va plus vite ?

Pays invité : La Belgique

Appel à proposition 6 February 2016


2016 International Geographical Union
Geomorphology and Society Commission, Island Study Commission, and Political Geography Joint Symposium
25-30 June, 2016
Taipei and Matsu, Taiwan

Call for Papers

We welcome proposals for papers and panels from a wide range of disciplines and theoretical schools in Geomorphology and Society, Island Study, and Political Geography. The conference organisers invite researchers, academics, community and business interests, government authorities and interest groups to participate in the conference. The event offers an opportunity to present papers and posters, discuss issues and developments on a wide range of subjects, and identify common themes affecting geomorphology and society, islands, and political geography throughout the world.

More information HERE

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