Archive: Ottobre, 2013

• Diaspora and Education Workshop

CFP Diaspora and Education Workshop
16th January 2014
Department of Geography, Loughborough University
Organisers: Liz Mavroudi and Marco Antonsich, Department of Geography, Loughborough University
We are very pleased and grateful that Claire Dwyer has agreed to act as a keynote speaker for this event.
This workshop wishes to stimulate debate on the relationships between diaspora and education/learning and views education in a broad and open-ended way. By examining diaspora and education, we wish to discuss broader impacts of education and learning on diasporic individuals, families and groups but also in relation to homeland/host country contexts. Papers are welcomed on (but are not restricted to) these themes:
• Formal education and policy. E.g.: How do schools and higher education institutions deal with diasporic pupils and students with particular religious, social, cultural, political and emotional needs and wishes?
• Learning and performing identities. E.g.: The informal, active ways in which those in diaspora construct and negotiate their cultural, national, religious, political identities in relation to factors such as space, place, gender, generational differences, language, religion and diasporic/transnational connections. What is the importance of strategic uses of nationalism and citizenship?
• Educating ‘our’ diaspora and homeland. E.g.: the more formal ways diasporic leaders or the sending state attempt to mould and guide diasporas. How do those in diaspora engage with their homeland by creating educational, academic and skilled/highly skilled/professional networks aimed at stimulating change and development?
• Gaining an education. E.g.: clarifying and understanding the role and importance of education to those in diaspora. Is education seen as the key to career ‘success’ or diasporic survival?
This is a free workshop but numbers are limited.
Please send abstracts (300 words maximum) to Liz Mavroudi ( by December 1st 2013

• 6ème Festival de Géopolitique

6ème Festival de Géopolitique

Grenoble, 3-6 avril 2014

Appel à Communication/
Call For Contributions

“Eurasie, l’avenir de l’Europe ?”

Entre Atlantique et Oural, quelle direction doit prendre l’Europe ? Doit-elle se tourner vers l’ouest au nom d’un héritage occidental qu’elle partage avec les Etats-Unis ? Ou lui faut-il regarder à l’est en épousant la logique d’un continent qui court sans discontinuité majeure jusqu’au Pacifique ? C’est donner un sens à l’Eurasie, l’union de l’Europe et de l’Asie qui constitue pour la géopolitique le pivot du monde et qui rassemble l’essentiel de la population et des richesses mondiales.
Qu’est-ce que l’Eurasie ? Une idée nouvelle qu’a rendue possible la fin du communisme ? Une nécessité qu’impose la constitution de grands ensembles continentaux à travers toute la planète ? Un fantasme souvent rêvé mais irréalisable ? Une construction confuse et floue dont les limites restent imprécises ?
Telles sont les questions auxquelles s’efforcera de répondre le 6ème Festival de géopolitique de Grenoble.
Soumission souhaitée avant le 20 novembre 2013
Plus d’informations sur
“Eurasia, the future for Europe?”
Positioned between the Atlantic and the Urals, which direction should Europe take? Should it turn towards the West in recognition of its occidental heritage that it shares with the United States? Or should it face East, adopting the logic of a continent that almost always keeps running to the Pacific? This symbolises Eurasia, the union of Europe and Asia which is the global pivot for geopolitics, bringing together the majority of the world’s population and wealth.
What is Eurasia? A new idea which made the end of communism possible? A necessity imposed across the planet by the leading continental groups? A fantasy often dreamed about but never achieved? A confused, vague structure whose limitations remain unfocused?
These are some questions that the 6th Grenoble Festival of Geopolitics will attempt to answer
Please submit before November 20th, 2013.
More informations on

• ABS 1st World Conference

Call for Papers: ABS 1st World Conference

9-13 June 2014, Joensuu, Finland – St. Petersburg, Russia


Please note:

Submission deadline for complete panels/roundtables: October 31, 2013

Submission deadline for individual papers/posters: November 30, 2013


The Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) invites proposals for individual papers and posters as well as complete panels and roundtables related to multi-disciplinary study of borders, border areas and cross-border interaction. Contributions from all world regions are encouraged. The organizing theme for the 2014 World Conference is:
Post-Cold War Borders: Global Trends and Regional Responses
Since the end of the Cold War era, state borders have increasingly been understood as multifaceted social institutions rather than solely as formal political markers of sovereignty. The changing significance of borders has been partly interpreted as a reflection of global “de-bordering”, and of optimistic scenarios of globalization and international cooperation. However, such notions of “de-bordering” have been challenged by or even succumbed to the reality of ethnic and cultural tensions and increasing complexity and instability in the world system. It is time to ask how often contradictory global tendencies are reflected on the ground. We can recognize global megatrends that are changing the nature of borders but also regional and local processes of border-making and border negotiating.
The unprecedented expansion and transformation of the global economy and the concurrent fluidity of people and goods within a context of increased securitization, signifies fundamental societal challenges that directly relate to borders. On this view, borders help condition how societies and individuals shape their strategies and identities. At the same time, borders themselves can be seen as products of a social and political negotiation of space; they frame social and political action and are constructed through institutional and discursive practices at different levels and by different actors.
Despite new border studies perspectives that favor a broad cultural, economic and complex governance view of borders and borderlands, a strict top-down international relations view of borders continue to dominate policymaking. This current era of heightened globalization requires that we pay attention not only to the tendency of increased governance of borders and border regions, but also at the regional responses to such development.
Through regional responses to globalization, borders are reproduced, for example, in situations of conflict where historical memories are mobilized to support territorial claims, to address past injustices or to strengthen group identity – often by perpetuating negative stereotypes of the “other”. However through new institutional and discursive practices contested borders can also be transformed into symbols of co-operation and of common historical heritage
The general theme encompasses a wide range of topics and approaches. Please consult the conference website for inspiration. We invite proposals that focus on empirical research and case studies, conceptual and theoretical issues, and/ or policy relevant aspect of border studies alike.



Confirmed Keynote Speakers:


  • Prof. Oscar J. Martinez, University of Arizona
  • Prof. Paul Nugent, University of Edinburgh
  • Prof. Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary, Université Joseph Fourier/CNRS-PACTE
  • Prof. Anssi Paasi, University of Oulu
  • Prof. Alexander F. Filippov, Higher School of Economics/Russian Academy of Sciences


For further information, updates regarding the conference, and to

download forms for submitting proposals, please see the conference website at:

Submission deadline for complete panels/roundtables: October 31, 2013

Submission deadline for individual papers/posters: November 30, 2013

Please send your proposal to


The Association for Borderlands Studies 2014 World Conference is organized by the VERA Centre for Russian and Border Studies at the University of Eastern Finland in cooperation with the Centre for Independent Social Research and the European University at St. Petersburg.

The organizers wish to thank ABORNE – The African Borderlands Research Network and the Finnish Association for Russian and East European Studies for their financial and scientific contribution.

• China geography

Call for participation in a newly started blog for graduate students of China geography:


The blog intends to build a collaborative platform for students and junior scholars to exchange information and share ideas.

By engaging students as well as scholars at various levels, we hope to better connect student of China geography and beyond, and create a supportive environment for both research and career.

• CPG Newsletter 17 now online!

The IGU-CPG Newsletter 17 is available here

• XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica

XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica
Barcelona 5-12 de mayo de 2014
Qué es el poder, cómo se ejerce y como controla a la sociedad y el espacio son cuestiones que necesitan seguir siendo debatidas en los Coloquios de Geocrítica. En éste queremos centrar la atención en estas últimas cuestiones, poniendo énfasis en las formas como se controla la sociedad y el espacio.
Todos los mecanismos de control político, administrativo, militar, simbólico poseen además de las funciones represivas otras que contribuyen a la regulación social.
Deseamos introducir una perspectiva histórica, que creemos indispensable, pero pondremos énfasis en las formas que control que se ejercen en la época contemporánea, utilizando instrumentos cada vez más refinados de información y control a través de redes técnicas, y de instrumentos simbólicos y retóricos Ejes Temáticos
* Espacio, poder y control
* Ejercicios del poder y sus efectos espaciales
* El control y la articulación del territorio: divisiones administrativas, construcción de redes, infraestructuras etc.
* Redes técnicas y control del territorio
* Fronteras, estados y estructuras militares: control y gestión de la población y el territorio
* Delito, conflicto y ciudad
* La apropiación simbólica del espacio. Lugar ciudad, territorio
* Morfología urbana y poder. Una perspectiva histórica
* Morfología urbana y control en la sociedad globalizada
* Arquitectura, poder y control
* La apropiación de lo urbano: actores y ciudadanía
* La configuración de los Estados y sus implicaciones territoriales y de control de la población
* Salud pública: Sus consecuencias territoriales y de control de la población
* El sistema educativo: sus implicaciones espaciales, formativas, disciplinares y de control
* Vigilancia, nuevas tecnologías y riesgos globales
* Retórica y simbólica del control social y territorial

• IPSA World Congress – Cfp for RC15 (Political and Cultural Geography)

International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress in Montreal, 2014
Cfp for RC15 (Political and Cultural Geography)
IPSA Research Committee 15 on Political and Cultural Geography was founded by Jean Gottmann and is an active front of political geography on the side of political science. I hope as many of you as possible can participate in this wonderful opportunity for productive interaction between political geographers and political scientists.  
If you have any questions about the Congress, please ask Dr. Heriberto at
‘Performing the border’: policies, practices, people
Chairs: Prof. Heriberto Cairo and Dr. Luna Vives
Gateway Cities in the Global Economy (RC15/RC41)
Chair: Mr. Sören Scholvin
Geo-Politics of Global Governance
Chairs: Prof. Alan Henrikson (tbc) and Prof. Pere Vilanova (tbc)
Nature in the Anthropocene
Chair: Dr. Manuel Arias-Maldonado
Sense of Place, Arts and Politics: A Cultural Geography Perspective
Chairs: Dr. Takashi Yamazaki (tbc) and Dr. Maria Lois
More info about the sessions:
Deadline for paper submissions is 7 Oct. 2013, so we are looking forward to hear about your proposals. As you may remember, papers can be only submitted on-line here:


• IGU Regional Conference in Kraków, Poland,

Call for Sessions
IGU Regional Conference in Kraków, Poland,
18-22 August 2014
The sessions to be organized during the IGU regional conference in Kraków can be categorized as follows: plenary sessions, Commission / Task Force sessions and thematic sessions.
The sessions at the IGU regional conference in Kraków will be organized by the IGU commissions and task forces. Additionally, the participants may propose thematic sessions to be organized during the conference.
The proposals for Commission / Task Force sessions must be submitted to the organizing committee no later than 15 October 2013 and the proposals for other sessions no later than 30 November 2013. Joint sessions on appropriate themes relevant to two or more IGU commissions are especially encouraged, as are those that contribute to future earth and the International year of Global Understanding. Interested participants should indicate the relevant commission/task force when submitting abstracts.
Thematic sessions may be organized by the conference participants to present the achievements of research groups or the results of important international and IGU research projects, or to gather experts specialized in a particular research topic in order to discuss selected research issues.
additionally, the conference participants are encouraged to organize workshops and special sessions for young scholars and university teachers, school geography teachers and students.
If you want to organize a session sponsored by the Commission on Political Geography pleas contact the chair of the Commission ‎and/or the secretary
For more information about the IGU 2014 Regional Conference, see the conference website

• Border Walls and Security Conference

Direct link :
Registration online:
Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the question still remains “Do good fences still make good neighbours”? Since the Great Wall of China, construction of which began under the Qin dynasty, the Antonine Wall, built in Scotland to support Hadrian’s Wall, the Roman “Limes” or the Danevirk fence, the “wall” has been a constant in the protection of defined entities claiming sovereignty, East and West. But is the wall more than an historical relict for the management of borders? In recent years the wall has been given renewed vigour all around the world, whether in North America, in Europe (with the Greek border fence), in Asia (for instance in India) or in Middle East. But the success of these new walls in the development of friendly and orderly relations between nations (or indeed, within nations) remains unclear. What role does the wall play in the development of security and insecurity? Do walls contribute to a sense of insecurity as much as they assuage fears and create a sense of security for those ‘behind the line’? Exactly what kind of security is associated with border walls?


Program here

• International ‘Lodz’ Political Geography Conference

The Department of Political Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Lodz traditionally invites you to participate in the 14th International ‘Lodz’ Political Geography Conference. In 2014 Poland will be the organizer of the International Geographical Union Regional Conference (in Cracow, August 18-22) so the Lodz conference will be organized jointly with the pre-conference of the IGU Commission on Political Geography (CPG).
It will take place in Lopuszna (near Nowy Targ), August 15-17, 2014.

Here you can find the First Circular for the event circulated by Marek Sobczynski.
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