• Islands and borders in the new European migratory system

Islands and borders in the new European migratory system / Iles et frontières dans le nouveau système migratoire européen 


Call for papers to be submitted to L’Espace Politique, online Political Geography and Geopolitics Journal, for publication in its 2014/2 issue (n°24).


Proposals of articles of up to 45,000 characters, with footnotes, bibliography and illustrations included, (see layout) should be sent by e-mail before December 31, 2013, to the two guest editors of this issue :
Nathalie Bernardie-Tahir, Geolab, Université de Limoges, nathalie.bernardie-tahir@unilim.fr

Camille Schmoll, Géographie-cités, Université Paris Diderot,  camilleschmoll@yahoo.fr


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