Florida State University.
The Department of Geography invites applications for TWO faculty positions to begin August 2014.
POSITION 1: tenure-track Assistant Professor in Political Geography.
The successful applicant will be expected to pursue research, secure external funding, and teach in one or more of the following areas: environmental conflict and conservation, political ecology, development issues, governance of natural resources, environmental policy.
POSITION 2: tenure-track Assistant Professor in GIScience.
The successful applicant will be expected to pursue research and secure external funding in GIScience with a desired (but not limited) emphasis on applications, such as access to healthcare, transportation, issues linked to aging, and environmental conservation and policy. They are also expected to teach technical courses such as GIS programming, spatial databases, and/or geovisualization.
For each, salary and benefits are highly competitive, and commensurate with qualifications and experience. A PhD in geography or a related area is required. Send ONE pdf attachment (that includes letter of application, CV and names and contact details of 3 referees) to Dr. Victor Mesev (vmesev@fsu.edu) by October 31, 2013. Florida State University is an equal opportunity employer.
We are conducting an open search for a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Human Geography with a specialization in geopolitics or environmental governance. The application deadline is October 1. The full ad on the AAG jobs site is here
Applications can be submitted online here: http://surveys.socialsciences.hawaii.edu/ework/
Krisna Suryanata (krisnawa@hawaii.edu) is chairing the search, but I am happy to answer any informal questions about the position, the department (www.geography.hawaii.edu), or living in Hawai’i.
Please find the call for papers for the Annual Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) in English and in Spanish in the attachment.
Deadline for abstract 1 December 2013
Info/Submission to Program Chair: Martin van der Velde (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) at M.vanderVelde@ru.nl
Call for papers to be submitted to L’Espace Politique, online Political Geography and Geopolitics Journal, for publication in its 2014/2 issue (n°24).
Camille Schmoll, Géographie-cités, Université Paris Diderot, camilleschmoll@yahoo.fr
Ultimo aggiornamento 24/Set/2013 alle 19:13
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