CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline 30 September 2013
‘The European Union in International Affairs IV’
Brussels, 22-24 May 2014
The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (IES-VUB), the Institut d’Études Européennes at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) and Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations invite papers for the fourth ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA) Conference.
The EUIA Conference provides a multidisciplinary forum for discussion and exchange of ideas amongst scholars engaged in understanding the role of the EU in the world. This broad theme encompasses the dynamic interplay between the EU, its member states and external partners. Debates may focus on topical issues such as the European elections and the quest for democratic accountability, the transatlantic trade and investment partnership, European responses to the instability in the wider neighbourhood, the external implications of the Eurozone crisis, and the evolution of the post-Lisbon European foreign policy system. As such, the EUIA Conference integrates ‘inside out, outside in’ perspectives covering different policy fields.
The EUIA Conference is open to all relevant disciplines and sub-disciplines. Through keynote addresses and policy link panels it fosters exchange between the scientific and the policy communities. Limited solidarity grants are available to cover part of the cost of participation of junior researchers from disadvantaged countries.
Please submit your paper abstract (300 words maximum) according to instructions on the conference website:
Deadline for paper proposals: 30 September 2013 Notification of acceptance: 17 January 2014 Submission of full papers: 9 May 2014
We look forward to welcoming you to the fourth EUIA Conference!
On behalf of the EUIA Conference organisers: IES-VUB, IEE-ULB, UNU-CRIS and Egmont
The EU in International Affairs Conference Secretariat Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels (mail address)
T: +32-2-6148001
F: +32-2-6148010
Alexander von Humboldt Lecture Series 2013-2014
The Department of Geography, Spatial Planning and Environment at the Radboud University of Nijmegen cordially invites you to our Lecture and Seminar Series on the theme of …
Science in/and/of Society
The interlinking of science with other spheres of society has been a lively topic in the Sociology of Science. Historically, this link was conceptualized as a linear model in which scientific ‘truth’ discovered in fundamental research was transferred through applied science into the political arena where it is transformed into the decisions that can solve our problems and improve society. In this model the ‘bridging of the gap’ between science and the common good, naturally leads to a technocratic orientation, which facilitated the expert in ‘speaking truth to power” or the politician in ‘tapping the reservoir of science’ -and, in contemporary terms, making ‘evidence based policies’. Even though our understanding of these relations has moved towards more sophisticated versions, this model still informs the common knowledge of science and society. In our everyday understanding — shaped in part by the mass media — and decision-making on spatial-environmental issues, e.g. from making our living places climate-proof to assessing the costs and benefits of megaprojects and back to curbing the geographical spreading of infectious diseases, scientific expertise plays a major role in how we frame and handle such challenges. While this process requires a large amount of trust in science and experts, the authority of science has been eroding and knowledge sometimes becomes highly contested, especially in the western context. Scientific advisory sees itself confronted with an increase in the demands for transparency, participation and democratisation. Within this theme we investigate how science in general and the ‘spatial’ disciplines of geography, environmental studies, and spatial planning in particular deal with such demands or, somewhat more inciting, how they perhaps should deal with them, considering as well the changes in the way research is funded as well as the transformation of these disciplines’ relation to the political. The theme includes an interest in processes of self-reflection that could or should take place within the respective fields of geography, spatial planning, and environmental studies.
Questions to be addressed
How to organise the exchange between (spatial) science and modern democratic politics? What could be the role of (spatial) scientists vis-à-vis other spheres of society? How do we safeguard scientific relevance in the face of increasing demand for societal relevance -and what do these notions mean? How do we assess the role of (spatial) scientific expertise in legitimising interventions we make in our environment? What role does science play in predictions of the future, in providing knowledge in the face of the abyss of the unknowable? What role do scientists play in providing knowledge on climate change? On economic forecasting? On providing visions for the future spatial ordering of our world? And how do scientist deal with the production of ‘objective knowledge’ in the face of the decline of public funding and an increase of commercial funding?
For the programme see posters below or go to
Borders and Boundaries in an Age of Global Urbanization
Urban Affairs Association Conference
San Antonio, TX
March 19‐22, 2014
Abstract/Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2013
Urban areas have grown at an unprecedented rate in the last decade. More of the world’s population now lives in cities than in any other context. International trade, capital investment and divestment, migration, and porous economic, social and political boundaries fuel this global urbanization. Enormous governance challenges result for megacities and fast‐growing urban centers due to in‐migration and other trends, particularly in the global south. Ethnic, racial and economic disparities across the globe create new tensions and vehicles for exclusion, while also creating interesting possibilities for cooperation and collaboration. Economic, political, and environmental crises further burden governance and demand innovative solutions to problems unique to global urbanization. All of this raises old and new civic and policy questions about boundaries and borders of global urbanization. Consequently, the 2014 conference theme is “Borders and Boundaries in an Age of Global Urbanization.” The conference site, San Antonio, is a global city with a population of approximately 1.3 million, in a significant border region with boundaries that defy simple conceptualizations. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, and one of its most ethnically diverse, with almost 70 percent of its native and immigrant residents being of Hispanic descent. It provides a particularly apt setting to explore borders and boundaries and how they shape urban affairs in the 21st Century. To broaden the conference discourse on the theme of global urbanization, UAA will sponsor a special track on Urban Issues in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. We welcome and will actively reach out to our research colleagues across these regions.
Topical Categories
In keeping with the tradition of UAA Annual Meetings, we encourage proposals that focus on an array of research topics including:
Arts, Culture, Media
Disaster Planning for Urban Areas, Disaster Management, Emergency Preparedness, Cities & Security
Economic Development, Redevelopment, Tourism, Urban Economics, Urban Finance
Education in Urban Contexts, Urban Schools, Higher Education Institutions and Urban Communities
Environmental Issues and Cities, Sustainability and Cities, Urban Health, Technology and Society
Globalization and Urban Impacts, International Urban Issues
Governance in Cities /Urban Regions, Intergovernmental Relations, Regionalism, Urban Management
Historic Preservation, Space and Place
Historical Perspectives on Cities and Urban Regions
Housing, Neighborhoods, Community Development
Human/Social Services for Urban Populations, Nonprofit Sector in Urban Contexts
Immigration Dynamics and Impacts on Urban Areas, Population and Demographic Trends
Infrastructure, Capital Projects, Networks, Transport, Urban Services
Labor, Employment, Wages, Training
Land Use, Growth Management, Urban Development, Urban Planning
Poverty, Welfare, Income Inequality
Professional Development, The Field of Urban Affairs
Public Safety in Urban Areas, Criminal Justice, Household Violence
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Identity, Diversity
Social Capital & Urban Communities, Democracy & Civil Society in Urban Contexts, Religion & the City
Urban Design, Urban Architecture
Urban Indicators, Data/Methods, Satisfaction/Quality of Life Surveys
Urban Politics, Elections, Citizen Participation
Urban Theory, Theoretical and Conceptual Issues in Urban Affairs
Proposal Submission Formats and Policies
A proposal can be submitted through the UAA website (starting June 1, 2013) for a:
Research paper presentation‐‐(proposal requires an abstract) OR
Pre‐organized panel‐‐(proposal requires a group of 4‐5 paper abstracts with moderator) OR
Pre‐organized colloquy session‐‐ (proposal requires theme statement & names of 4‐5 formal discussants) OR
Breakfast roundtable‐‐(proposal requires theme statement & names of 1‐2 conveners) OR
Poster‐‐(proposal requires an abstract)
Participation Policy ‐‐‐One Session Rule
Individuals are limited to participating (as a presenter or moderator) in one (1) conference session. A conference session is defined as: a panel, a colloquy, a poster display, or a breakfast roundtable. There is no limit to the number of papers/posters for which you are a co‐author. But, you cannot be scheduled to participate in more than one session. Do not agree to participate in more than one session. Policy exception: persons who are asked to play a service role (e.g., plenary speaker, professional development session speaker) for UAA can participate in one additional session.
Late Proposals
After October 1, 2013, UAA will only accept proposals for the poster option.
Proposal Review Decision Date Acceptance or rejection notices will be sent by November 18, 2013.
Conference Hotel and Participant Registration Rates
All conference activities (except where noted) will take place at The Westin Riverwalk Hotel located along the famous San Antonio River promenade. Very competitive room rates have been secured for conference
attendees: $179 (single/double) plus applicable state and local taxes. This rate applies 3 days before/after the event if rooms are available. Cut‐off date for conference rate room reservations is February 20, 2014. Early reservations are strongly advised. The UAA website will provide a direct web link for hotel reservations.
ALL PARTICIPANTS (faculty, students, practitioners) must pay the designated fees for their registration category. Registration rates will be posted on the UAA website by July 1, 2013.
Conference Planning
Local Host: University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
Committee members: Heywood Sanders (Committee Chair), Chris Reddick, (Chair‐UTSA Public Administration); Francine Romero (Assoc. Dean‐UTSA College of Public Policy), Ivy Taylor, Public Administration.
Program Committee:
Chair, Gordana Rabrenovic (Northeastern University), Roland Anglin (Rutgers University), Robert Chaskin (University of Chicago), Cecilia Giusti (Texas A&M University), Deidre Oakley ( Georgia State University)
Visit the UAA website: (info on special tracks, proposal submissions,registration, hotel reservations, etc.), contact us at or 1‐414‐229‐3025.
Fall 2013 King’s College London Cities’ Seminar Series
19th September 12-1pm (lunch) :
“Territories of ‘Security’: From the Gated Development of Buenos Aires to Broadwater Farm Estate”
Dr. Eleanora Elguezabal, Fernand Braudel Fellow visiting from Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’homme in Paris
26th Sept 5:30-6:30pm :
“London Calling: Knowledge Industries of the Greater Southeast”
Dr. Jonathan Reades (King’s College London Cities’ Group)
10th Oct 5:30 – 6:30pm:
“Imaginaries of Decline and Regeneration in London”
Dr. Ben Campkin (University College London, The Bartlett School of Architecture)
24th Oct 5:30-6:30pm:
“Community Activism and the Limits of Planning”
Dr. Yasminah Beebeejaun (University College London, Bartlett School of Planning)
7th Nov 5:30-6:30pm:
“The Migrant Metropolis”
Dr. Nicholas De Genova (King’s College London Cities’ Group)
19th Nov 5:30- 7:45pm:
“The Vanishing City- A Film Screening and Q&A”
Viktoria Vona (King’s College London Cities’ Group)
Unless otherwise noted*, all talks take place in the Pyramid Room, beginning at 5:30pm and followed by a wine reception in the Department of Geography social space (4th Floor, King’s Building, Strand Campus).
*The first talk (19th September) will take place in a ‘bring your lunch’ format, from 12 to 1pm, and the last talk (19th November) will be an extended session for a film screening (until 7:45).
All are welcome. Contact or for any questions or further information.
Ultimo aggiornamento 10/Set/2013 alle 19:35
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