Archive: Febbraio, 2013

• EUGEO 2013 call for papers

The fourth EUGEO Congress will take place in Rome, 5-7 September 2013.


Researchers and experts from all over the world are invited to submit proposals for the presentation of their research within one of the following sessions.


If you are interested in participating, please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words by filling in this form and send it to the session organizers using the corresponding email only before march 31st 2013.

No one may submit or take part in more than two presentations.


Call for papers

• EUGEO: New geo-graphies of exile

EUGEO 2013 Congress, Rome, 5-7 September 2013

Call for papers:


New geo-graphies of exile.

Displacements, re-placements and

literary reconstructions of




Elena dell’Agnese, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
Michael J. Shapiro, University of Hawai’I at Manoa (USA)


Call for papers

“…writers in my position, exiles or emigrants or expatriates, are haunted by some sense of loss, some urge to reclaim, to look back…but, .. physical alienation …almost inevitably means that we will not be capable of reclaiming precisely the thing that was lost; that we will, in short create fictions” With these words, the exiled writer Salman Rushdie introduces his collection of essays entitled “Imaginary Homelands”. Indeed, experiencing exile, that is being banished from a place considered as “Home”, often suggests to a writer the literary re-invention of that place.


The positionality of the displaced writer is influenced not only by the feeling of difference, but also by questions of gender, time, nation; and by his/her capacity of overcoming the “frontier” between Here and There, of re-placing him/herself and of re-inventing new geo-graphies of emotions. Beyond the rhetoric of displacement, the experience of exile can invite the displaced writer into a new aesthetic experience and reframe his/her sensible world. Other people’s bread can be salty, as objectively remembered by Dante (since in Florence, bread is salt-free), but one can also learn how to appreciate its different taste.


The three panellists (Marcella Schmidt di Friedberg, Giulia de Spuches, Michael J. Shapiro) will interrogate in this perspective the works of the exilic writers Charles Selasfield, Nuruddin Farah, and Ismet Prcic. The session is open to papers concerning other exiled authors, who, in different times and space settings, re-imagined their lost homelands, but also learned how to re-place themselves into the new spaces in between.


This session is linked to the IGU Commission on Political Geography Research Network

Session code:

If you are interested in participating please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words by filling in THIS FORM and send it to the organizers before march 31st 2013 using this email:
No one may submit or take part in more than two presentations.


• ASRDLF 50ème Colloque

50ème Colloque
Mons – Belgique–  du 8 au 11 juillet 2013
La frontière et le processus de patrimonialisation : paradoxes et stratégies
Session spéciale coordonnée par :
François Moullé – Université d’Artois
Sabien Duhamel – Université du Littoral-Côte d’Opale


Session spéciale S6

La frontière est une cicatrice de l’histoire dont l’ambivalence est permanente. Expression de l’affirmation territoriale du pouvoir, la dimension symbolique frontalière est aussi importante que la dimension matérielle. Dans ce cadre-là, la patrimonialisation de la frontière peut prendre des formes diverses. Ainsi la dimension mémorielle est réguliérement mise en valeur notamment avec la rencontre du douanier et du contrebandier, acteurs de la frontière, sujets des musées de la douane. Citadelles, cimetierres, tunnels, etc., constituent des marqueurs spatiaux et des références de la frontière.  La patrimonialisation peut aussi être un des effets des dynamiques transfrontalières, y compris celles issues de programmes favorisant la coopération transfrontalière. En cherchant à gommer les effets de la frontière, les stratégies mises en places peuvent renouveller la figure de la frontière en jouant sur la dialectique de la rencontre pour annihiler les effets de l’opposition. L’objectif est de limiter la distance créée par la frontière dans la proximité, sublimant la patrimonialisation de la frontière dans un nouveau rôle de lien. La patrimonialisation peut aussi être un enjeu géopolitique pour permettre à la ligne de perdurer dans le cadre de tensions politiques en faveur d’un effacement de la frontière ou du moins l’effacement des fonctions les plus contraingnantes. La mise en tourisme de la frontière peut ainsi être lue comme un outil permettant la valorisation de la rencontre-confrontation des symboles des pouvoirs et des identités qui se rencontrent sur la ligne. L’objet touristique peut aussi bien être la morphologie de la ligne liée à son histoire que les symboles que la frontière permet de juxtaposer, manifestations pouvant être interprétées comme une mise en spectacle de la frontière.  Le patrimoine frontalier est ainsi un outil de protection et d’identification du territoire.


Les auteurs proposeront un résumé de 3000 signes, un titre en français et en anglais, ainsi que quelques mots clés. Chaque proposition peut s’intéresser à l’ensemble de la thématique ou à un des aspects des réflexions  proposées.

Proposition de communication :
Délai d’envoi des propositions de communication : 1er mars 2013
Avis du comité scientifique : 20 avril 2013
Envoi du texte complet : 1er juin 2013

Modalités d’envoi :
Les envois des propositions de communication s’effectueront directement en ligne par les participants (cf site du colloque : Lors de la soumission de proposition de communication, les participants devront spécifier que leur texte s’inscrit dans le cadre de cette session.

Publication :
La publication d’une sélection de communications présentées est prévue après la colloque. La publication ne sera envisagée que pour les communications dont le résumé et le texte auront été envoyés dans les délais et qui auront fait l’objet d’une présentation effective par au moins un des auteurs.

Contact :
François Moullé, Maître de Conférences, Université d’Artois – Institut des Frontières et Discontinuités
E-mail :

• IPSA RC41 Second Conference on Geopolitics




An International Workshop on Emerging Regional Contests and Contestants


Monday, 25 November – Wednesday, 27 November 2013






The contours of today’s evolving global system suggest two contradictory futures. The first predicts a “Great Convergence” of mankind, whereas the second foresees an emerging “G-Zero” leaderless planet Earth.


That the international system could go either way owes to the unprecedented economic and technological globalization shaping our world in one direction — even as a major reshuffling and circulation of power worldwide is leading us in the opposite direction.


Economic, domestic and regional uncertainties in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia further challenge students of international affairs to define the political superstructure of tomorrow’s world.


The International Political Science Association’s Research Committee on Geopolitics (RC-41) is pleased to announce an International Workshop on “Geopolitics and Great Powers”, aimed at professionally addressing these concerns.


The Jerusalem International Workshop format offers the opportunity for close, careful consideration of such questions as:


– Are we on the threshold of a unipolar-, bipolar-, tripolar-, or multipolar “moment” in world politics?


– In the 21st century what determines any country’s ranking in the hierarchy of power, influence and leverage?


– What distinguishes a Great Power from middle-range and smaller state actors?


– Who are the actors (both state-and non-state) best positioned to lead in a major rebalancing of power?


– To what extent does the United States remain indispensable for today’s world order?


– Where are the so-called “flashpoints” with the greatest potential for tipping the delicately-poised scales between stability and instability, development and stagnation, integration and fragmentation, peace and war?


Portions of the IPSA RC-41 Workshop Program will be devoted to specific regional problems and contests already on the geopolitical horizons in both the eastern Mediterranean-Persian Gulf zone and the Pacific Basin. These individual case studies on the impact of Great Powers on Geopolitics are meant to reinforce more general insights at the theoretical level.


Anyone wishing to participate in the 2013 RC-41 Jerusalem International Workshop on GEOPOLITICS AND GREAT POWERS and to contribute by addressing any of the above topics is cordially invited to submit an initial paper proposal.


The Proposal and/or Abstract (limited to 750 words or less) should be sent to Professor Aharon Klieman at


the final date for submission is 1 April 2013




Unlike open international conferences, the Workshop framework is designed to limit participation to a smaller and rather select group of invitees — on the order of 16 to 18 people — each bringing to bear his or her disciplinary expertise or area studies specialization.


Accordingly, the Jerusalem Workshop will be conducted in a Round Table format, with scholarly presentations dividing into 8 panel sessions, with 2 – 3 papers at each session, followed by open discussion among the direct Round Table academic participants and invited guests drawn from the diplomatic and policymaking communities. The 8 panel themes are devoted to:


– The New International System – “Power” and “Influence” Redefined
– The Emerging Great Powers
– Regionalization in a World of Sub-Systems – Regional Contests and Power Balances
– The Mediterranean & Middle East
– The Asia-Pacific Theater
– Central Asia / Southeast Asia
– Positioning the United States
– Summing Up: Theoretical Insights and Implications


The intention is for the Jerusalem Workshop scholars and specialists to then reconstitute themselves into a continuous Working Group for the purpose of presenting a Panel session at the IPSA international conference scheduled for Montreal, Canada in 2014. This follow-up session will enable members of the Working Group to offer a reassessment as well as update of their 2013 observations in the light of intervening events.


It is also intended to publish original papers presented at the “GEOPOLITICS AND GREAT POWERS” workshop in book form, or as independent articles in leading professional refereed journals.




Monday  25 November

20:00       Opening Reception – Greetings & Keynote Speaker


Tuesday 26 November

9:00 – 18:00   Paper Presentations & Discussion

Panels 1 – 4


Wednesday 27 November

9:00 – 17:00  Paper Presentations & Discussion

Panels 5 – 8

18:00    Concluding Remarks: “Toward Montreal”


Thursday 28 November

(optional)    Group Tour / Policy Meetings


General Information:


No Registration fee is required.


Acceptance is conditioned, however, upon the participant’s commitment to full, active attendance at all panel sessions and discussions throughout the two days of the Workshop, in addition to one paper presentation.


Participants in the 2013 Jerusalem International Workshop are expected to cover all personal transportation arrangements and expenses. Limited IPSA conference travel grants may be available upon special request to help defray partial air fare costs for junior scholars or in exceptional cases.


Hotel accommodations and meals during the Workshop will be provided for direct participants courtesy of The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


All Workshop sessions will be conducted on the Mount Scopus campus of The Hebrew University.




Announcement & Call for Papers                   February 2013

Submission of Proposals / Abstracts                 April 1, 2013

Notice of Acceptance                                       May 1, 2013

Full Paper Submission                              October 15, 2013

Final Program                                          October 22, 2013

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