• PGSG pre-conference AAG 2018


University of New Orleans – April 9, 2018
The Political Geography Specialty Group (PGSG) and the Department of Planning & Urban Studies at the University of New Orleans (UNO) are pleased to announce the 31st Annual PGSG Preconference.
Date: Monday, April 9, 2018
Time: Sessions will run approximately 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Location: Training, Resource, and Assistive-Technology Center (TRAC), Oliver St. Pé Center [#26 on this map].  Physical address for parking lot is at the intersection of Leon C. Simon Dr. and St. Anthony Ave. Generic campus address is 2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70148.
Paper presenters: Paper titles and abstracts (see details below) are due January 31, 2018. Please submit with PAPER ABSTRACT SUBMISSION in the subject line to: aag.pgsg@gmail.com
Poster presenters: The PGSG also welcomes poster proposals. Preconference participants may only present in one medium (paper or poster, but not both). Poster titles and abstracts (see details below) are due February 28, 2018. Please submit with POSTER ABSTRACT SUBMISSION in the subject line to: aag.pgsg@gmail.com
Both paper and poster abstracts should include the following information in a Word (.doc or .docx) document with no formatting except as noted: title of paper/poster; name(s) as they should appear in the program with family name underlined; department affiliation; university affiliation; e-mail address for correspondence and to be listed in program; abstract (250 word maximum). [see sample abstract submission document]
Registration: As with past preconferences, there will be a nominal $20 registration fee for which you should bring cash or check on the day of the event.  There is no fee for full-time students.
Evening events: In addition to the annual group dinner after the preconference Monday evening, the PGSG will also coordinate a social hour on Sunday night for early arrivals. More details to follow.
Lodging & Transportation: There is no PGSG-negotiated housing near the UNO campus and for most people it will work best to stay in the French Quarter and take the bus out to UNO for the day.  The UNO campus is accessible from the AAG venues in New Orleans via the Regional Transit Authority (RTA).  Using the RTA website and inputting 2200 Leon C. Simon Dr., New Orleans, LA into the “arriving at” location will take you on a single bus (#55, lots of local stops, but no transfers) from the French Quarter Marriott (555 Canal St., New Orleans, LA).  Inputting 1955 Leon C. Simon Dr., New Orleans, LA will require a connection but bring you directly across the street and a parking lot from the Oliver St. Pé Center.  Both routes take approximately 35 minutes.  Parking on-campus is available with advance request via the PGSG organizers.  Other transportation options include Uber, Lyft, and taxi.
AAG scheduling: Should you have any concerns about the scheduling of your main conference presentation given your presence in New Orleans early in the week, coordinate with your AAG session organizers and AAG administrators.
PGSG Organizers: Kenneth Madsen, PGSG President (madsen.34@osu.edu); Afton Clark-Sather, PGSG Secretary/Treasurer (afton@d.umn.edu).
Local host: Michelle Thompson, Department of Planning & Urban Studies, University of New Orleans.  Please do not contact local host. All inquiries should be directed to the PGSG organizers above.
A .pdf version of this call for proposals may be found here.

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