UCL STEaPP Provost (Research) Fellow x 5
UCL Department: Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
Grade: 7, Full Time
Salary (inclusive of London allowance): £32,375-£39,132, plus a STEaPP market supplement of £6,500 per annum
In September 2013, University College London will formally launch its new Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy(STEaPP). In close partnership with a related cross-faculty policy engagement and decision support Institute (also launching in September 2013), this Department will build a comprehensive portfolio of educational, policy engagement and research programmes targeting the needs of a broad array of practitioner, academic and student communities around the world.
These prestigious two-year UCL STEaPP Provost Fellowships are designed to enable exceptionally talented early career researchers to develop their research, teaching and policy engagement experience sufficiently to make them very strong candidates for academic (faculty) positions at top international universities by the end of their Fellowship.
Key Requirements
Applications are warmly encouraged from candidates from across all branches of social, natural and engineering sciences with research, policy engagement and teaching interests relevant to STEaPP. Any disciplinary (or multidisciplinary) background and topical focus of relevance to STEaPP is welcome.
The appointee(s) will have enthusiasm and propensity for inter-disciplinary, intercultural and international team building and sustained collaboration as well as a strong professional orientation towards integrating ‘impact orientated’ engagement with a broad array of government, corporate and civil society policy communities.
The nature of these posts require individuals with enthusiasm and propensity for external networking and relationship-building, a genuine global outlook, and an open, flexible and collaborative spirit, as well as enthusiasm and creativity for experimenting with novel methods of teaching and policy engagement.
Further Details
See: http://tinyurl.com/PDocsSTEaPP
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie du numéro 20 (2013-2) de L’Espace Politique, revue en ligne de géographie politique et de géopolitique.
Ce numéro intitulé « Barrières frontalières », dirigé par Laetitia Rouvière, est en ligne.
Pour consulter le sommaire : http://espacepolitique.revues.org/2624
We are pleased to announce the release of the 20the issue (2013-2) of L’Espace Politique, online journal of political geography and geopolitics.
This special issue is about “Border barriers”, under the guest editorship of Laetitia Rouvière.
The table of contents can be found at : http://espacepolitique.revues.org/2624
Moscow, 4, July, 2013
Dear colleagues,
The Russian Government is currently trying to push through the Parliament (Douma), well known for its docility, a reform draft concerning the Russian Academy of Sciences, which involves the transfer of all assets of the Academy along with its institutions to the hands of a special group of so-called “efficient managers”. No serious and elaborated program of reform is proposed, except for some drastic measures with unpredictable consequences. Among them, the abolition of different regional branches of the present Academy, as well as of various other institutions (the Academy of Education etc.), and the creation of a new Russian Academy, which will be a sort of club for a few outstanding scientists endowed with annuities for life. What will happen to the numerous academic institutions and their fellows is not clearly articulated in the project.
The main purpose of this “reform” is evident from its priorities: to deprive the Russian Academy of Sciences of its independent status and to seize its property, which will allow bureaucrats to dictate to scientists what they should do.
The project appeared all of a sudden on June 28th, , at the onset of summer holidays, and came as a surprise even for the newly elected president of the Academy of Sciences, not to mention the other fellow members. It was prepared in secret, away from the scientific community, under flagrant violation of ethical standards and mandatory procedure, involving discussion and peer review (Government Decree N 159 of 22 February 2012 “On Approval of the Rules of the public discussion of draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws”). The first reading took place on July the 4th, the second one, contrary to the procedure according to which for the matters of such importance a period of 60 days is provided for introducing amendments, will take place on Friday 5th July. So, only 2 days for “discussion” no time for amendments. And this raw and adventurist project will pass the main steps of ratification! Could one imagine something like this in any democratic country!
While declaring to focus on improving the efficiency of scientific research, the project does not contain any constructive ideas that would promote science. Adoption of the law will strike a blow to the country’s science, the backbone of which the Academy has been and continues to be. Many scholars are scandalized by a humiliating attempt to persuade members of the Academy to support the “reform” by promises of status and cash handouts.
The 300-year history of the Russian Academy of Sciences – is not an empty phrase. It is the only social institution that for centuries embodied the unity of Russian history, culture and national identity. The history of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a unique example of a centuries-old succession – it should not be interrupted by a subjective hasty decision.
Our government’s attempt to create an efficient management of the Defence Ministry’s property culminated in corruption and collapse. Projects to create an oasis of 21st century science in “Skolkovo” brought nothing but huge costs. All this inspires serious concerns about the future of science in Russia. We do believe that our colleagues all over the world must know what is going on in “democratic” Russia and have a right to express their opinion thereon.
Prof. Dr. Sergei Nikolsky
Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Assistant Professor, Human Geography with specialization in geopolitics or environmental governance
Department of Geography, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
position #084917
9-month appointment, permanent, general funds, full time, tenure track
to begin August 1, 2014, subject to position clearance and availability of funds.
Duties: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses; advise undergraduate and graduate students; conduct an active research program; publish research results; seek extramural funding; engage departmental, university, and professional activities.
Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in Geography or allied field from an accredited college, university or foreign equivalent, record of scholarly achievement as evidenced by teaching, publications, and research.
Salary range: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
To apply: Upload all application materials to http://surveys.socialsciences.hawaii.edu/ework/. Send curriculum vitae, cover letter stating how you satisfy the minimum qualifications, statement summarizing your teaching and research interests, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. The names and contact information for three references should be submitted.
Inquiries: Dr. Krisna Suryanata, (808) 956-7384, email: krisnawa@hawaii.edu. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2013, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications received by that date will be given priority. EEO/AA Employer.
Department and University Background: The Department of Geography celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2012 and currently has fifteen faculty members with expertise across the breadth of the discipline. We offer M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in environmental geography, human geography, and geographic technologies. Our students regularly win research grants and awards and over 300 graduates have pursued careers in academia, government service, NGOs, and in the private sector. Department website: http://www.geography.hawaii.edu/
The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is the only research intensive (R-1) university in Hawai‘i and one of only a handful of land grant, sea grant, and space grant universities in the United States. The university has an extensive library collection, including a world class Asia Collection. The East-West Center, which is adjacent to campus, provides many opportunities for funding and collaboration with other scholars from the Asia-Pacific region. UH is located in the lush Mānoa Valley of Honolulu on the island of Oahu. Honolulu is a cosmopolitan and ethnically diverse city of approximately 800,000 with all the amenities of a large American city.
Buckingham Palace announced on Saturday that Prof. David Newman is among the more than 1,000 people being presented an award by the Queen as part of her Birthday Honours list.
Newman works in the field of political geography and is currently the senior editor of the International Journal of Geopolitics. He has written extensively on territorial issues relating to conflicts, with a focus on Israel-Palestine. In recent years he has researched and published widely on the role of borders in the contemporary world. He is currently part of a 19 university European consortium (funded by the EU) entitled EUROBORDERSCAPES. In recent years he has represented Israel’s universities against the boycott attempts in Europe and the UK. In addition to his academic work, Newman writes a weekly political column in the Jerusalem Post.
Responding to announcement of his award, Newman, “I am very honoured to receive this award. Promoting scientific cooperation between Israel and the UK is of utmost importance, proving that science reaches beyond the borders of conflict. Scientific cooperation benefits humankind as a whole and does not differentiate between peoples because of their ethnic, national or religious backgrounds. Science must never be allowed to become captive to the political attempts to boycott or exclude. I am particularly pleased that the award has been given to someone who promotes scientific cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences, as this is an important component of scientific and philosophical thought, complementing the many cooperative projects which exist between the two countries in the fields of life sciences and medicine.”
Commenting on the award, British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould said, “Prof. Newman has been an important and powerful voice for academic links between Britain and Israel, at a time when such links have been criticized by some. I am delighted that he is being honoured for his work.”
Professor David Newman has been a member of the CPG Board for three years.
The Cerimony will take place on October 3rd 2013
Colloque organisé par le CEMRA (EA3016,!Université Grenoble Alpes), l’ILCEA (EA613, Université Grenoble Alpes) et PACTE! (UMR5194, CNRS Université Grenoble Alpes), avec la collaboration du Centre d’Etudes Canadiennes de Grenoble.
Date et lieu : mercredi 11, jeudi 12 et vendredi 13 juin 2014, à Grenoble
Appel à communications
Brussels, 22-24 May 2014
The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (IES-VUB), the Institut d’Études Européennes at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) and Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations invite papers for the fourth ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA) Conference.
The EUIA Conference provides a multidisciplinary forum for discussion and exchange of ideas amongst scholars engaged in understanding the role of the EU in the world. This broad theme encompasses the dynamic interplay between the EU, its member states and external partners. Debates may focus on topical issues such as the European elections and the quest for democratic accountability, the transatlantic trade and investment partnership, European responses to the instability in the wider neighbourhood, the external implications of the Eurozone crisis, and the evolution of the post-Lisbon European foreign policy system. As such, the EUIA Conference integrates ‘inside out, outside in’ perspectives covering different policy fields.
The EUIA Conference is open to all relevant disciplines and sub-disciplines. Through keynote addresses and policy link panels it fosters exchange between the scientific and the policy communities. Limited solidarity grants are available to cover part of the cost of participation of junior researchers from disadvantaged countries.
Please submit your paper abstract (300 words maximum) according to instructions on the conference website: www.ies.be/conference/euia2014
Deadline for paper proposals: 30 September 2013 Notification of acceptance: 17 January 2014 Submission of full papers: 9 May 2014
We look forward to welcoming you to the fourth EUIA Conference!
On behalf of the EUIA Conference organisers: IES-VUB, IEE-ULB, UNU-CRIS and Egmont
The EU in International Affairs Conference Secretariat Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels (mail address)
T: +32-2-6148001
F: +32-2-6148010
E: euia2014@ies.be
W: www.ies.be/conference/euia2014
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