(English version below)
CIST 2014 – Frontiers and boundaries of territorial sciences
Call for papers for the 2nd international conference of CIST (Collège International des Sciences du Territoire)
Paris 27-28 March 2014
French / English
Veuillez trouver ci-joint l’appel à communications en français et en anglais pour le 2e colloque international du CIST qui aura lieu à Paris les 27 et 28 mars 2014. Nous vous serions reconnaissant de bien vouloir le diffuser largement dans vos réseaux (voir résumé ci-dessous).
Date limite pour déposer les communications : 15 septembre 2013
L’ensemble des informations concernant le colloque sont disponibles en français et en anglais sur le site dédié : http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org. Des traductions de l’appel à communications sont en cours dans d’autres langues.
Please find enclosed the call for paper in English and French for the 2nd international conference of CIST, which will take place in Paris on the 27th and 28th of March 2014. Thank you in advance for transferring widely through your networks (see summary below).
Deadline for submitting papers: 15th of September 2013
Further information available in French and English on the dedicated website: http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org. Translations in other languages are under way.
APPEL – résumé
Les territoires sont à la fois une construction sociale et une matérialité observée par différents champs disciplinaires. Cette interdisciplinarité large constitue un front pionnier difficile mais nécessaire. Une autre frontière à dépasser est celle qui, trop souvent, éloigne les chercheurs des acteurs du développement territorial. Les données territoriales constituent un des domaines par lesquels ces confrontations sont rendues fécondes. Le deuxième colloque du CIST se propose de défricher ces nouveaux fronts en invitant à explorer six thématiques prioritaires :
Thématique 1 – Données locales, données citoyennes, demande sociale
Thématique 2 – Intégrations régionales et cohésion territoriale : regards croisés
Thématique 3 – Mobilité, territorialité, territorialisation : approches critiques
Thématique 4 – Science des territoires : les fronts pionniers de l’interdisciplinarité
Thématique 5 – Images des territoires : media, représentations
Thématique 6 – Des Systèmes d’Information Territoriale au service de nouvelles problématiques scientifiques ou pratiques sociales
CALL – summary
Territories are both a social construct and a materiality observed by different disciplinary fields. This broad interdisciplinarity is a difficult, yet necessary, pioneer front. Another frontier to be crossed is the all too frequent gulf between researchers and the actors of territorial development. Territorial data are a field that offers opportunities for fertile debate. The second international CIST conference aims to clear new and uncharted ground in this area. The call for papers covers six central topics.
Topic 1 – Local data, citizen data, social demand
Topic 2 – Regional integration and territorial cohesion: a comparative perspective
Topic 3 – Critical approaches to mobility, territoriality, territorialization
Topic 4 – Territorial science: the pioneer fronts of interdisciplinarity
Topic 5 – Images of territories. Media and representations
Topic 6 – Territorial Information Systems to address new scientific problems or social practices
10th Annual IMISCOE Conference
Crisis and Migration- Perceptions, Challenges and Consequences
Malmö, Sweden, 25-27 August 2013
Call for Papers
Irregular migration and southern Europe
Workshop: Irregular migration and southern Europe
Workshop convenors: Daniela DeBono, Russell King and Ioanna Tsoni
The aim of this workshop is to explore irregular migration in southern European countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus and others. There will be an attempt to identify issues, patterns and processes common to countries in this region, as well as differences. Researchers working in this field are aware of the dearth of spaces available for such discussions. This is reflected in the lack of edited collections or special issues focusing specifically on this phenomenon in this region. If there is enough material, the papers presented in this workshop could be presented to a publisher.
Southern European countries, in particular current EU Member States, share similar migration histories, being traditionally countries of emigration but now having to deal with large numbers of immigrants. Being geopolitically located on the southern EU borders, these countries are likely to continue receiving large irregular migrant flows in spite of the current economic crisis and high unemployment. In addition, the Dublin System has created a situation whereby these countries remain ‘responsible’ for asylum seekers, including those which ‘move on’ to northern European countries. Many of these countries, with a dark track record of violations of human rights of irregular migrants, are now dealing with increasing challenges to maintain fair asylum determination systems while irregular migrants are facing increasing hostility from host communities.
Although the rationale for this workshop is built on similarities within the region, the general tendency to project ‘southern European countries’ as a homogenous area will be consciously avoided and contributions of a comparative nature highlighting differences will be welcome.
Researchers are invited to submit abstracts which broadly serve to feed into the discussion of irregular migration in southern European countries such as (but not only!) the experiences of irregular migrants in southern European countries, reactions of the host communities to irregular migrants, the development of immigration policies, state reactions to the Dublin System and Frontex, the conditions and use of migrant detention centres, access to asylum and protection benefits, participation of irregular migrants in the labour market and so on. The organisers encourage contributions from different areas of study such as migration studies, geography, anthropology, sociology, history, law, politics, human rights, economics and so on.
Abstracts should be sent to Daniela DeBono at daniela.debono@mah.se by Friday 31st May 2013. Questions or clarifications prior to abstract submission should be directed to the same email address.
The Call for Papers can be found online at the conference website:
http://www.imiscoeconferences.org/ , or at the direct link: http://tinyurl.com/ctgt83u
Context and host
The workshop will take place at the 10th IMISCOE Annual Conference, 26 – 27 August 2013 in Malmö, Sweden, which brings together researchers from the IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) Research Network and other academic and research institutions in Europe.
Important dates
• 31 May 2013: Deadline for submission of abstracts
• 12 June 2013: Notification of acceptance decisions
• 1 August 2013: Deadline for submission of full papers
• 1 August 2013: Deadline for IMISCOE Conference Registration
All conference presenters must register for the conference. For more information on how to register please visit the conference website: www.imiscoeconferences.org
Travel expenses and fees
No support will be available towards the cost of accommodation and/or travel and the conference fee.
For two inter-linked, consecutive workshops under the theme of Subjects and Practices of Resistance to be held 9-11 September 2013 at University of Sussex.
The first workshop (9-10 Sept) is on Discipline(s), Dissent and Dispossession and the second on Counter-Conduct in Global Politics (10-11 Sept). The workshop convenors encourage attendance at both workshops. However, paper proposals should specify the intended workshop and which days participants would be able to attend.
The workshops are generously sponsored and supported by the BISA Poststructuralist Politics Working Group (PPWG) and the Centre for Advanced International Theory (CAIT) at the University of Sussex
Workshop 1: Discipline(s), Dissent and Dispossession
9-10 September 2013
Contemporary struggles against dispossession – from the 2011 Occupy movement to ongoing land rights conflicts in the Ecuadorian rainforest – not only remind us of existing forces of domination and exploitation, but also challenge the ready-made concepts and frameworks through which such struggles are often interpreted. Building on a previous project – “Disciplining Dissent”* – this workshop aims to open up discussion on the intersections between the politics of resistance and the politics of knowledge. How might we conceptualise dissent or resistance in ways that are sensitive to the social and epistemic relations within which anti-systemic struggles are embedded? How might we frame the complementarity and tensions between political dissent and intellectual critique? How might available concepts and frameworks occlude the complex interplay between resistance and repression, discipline and dissent, obscuring what is at stake politically in existing practices of struggle?
We welcome contributions that consider these themes from diverse theoretical perspectives and academic disciplines, including international relations, international political economy, sociology, philosophy, geography and anthropology.
Questions that might be addressed include (but are not limited to): how is dissent rendered intelligible in ways that serve to contain, nullify or depoliticize struggles; the politics of knowledge in political dissent; the place of normative political critique in the absence of universal categories or emancipatory blueprints; the ways in which dissenting communities are building their own theories of dissent or are theorising out of their own dissenting practices; the forms of subjectivisation incited, subverted or arrested through practices of dissent and/or their relation to the types of dissenting subjects assumed by intellectuals and experts; the ways in which academic disciplines interpret, appropriate and discipline both dissent and critique; the nature and purpose of academic critique at a moment of austerity and economic “crisis”.
It is hoped that the workshop will serve as a basis for a journal special issue, as well as for further collobarations around these themes.
Abstracts of approx. 300 words should be sent to L.Coleman@sussex.ac.uk and cait@sussex.ac.uk by 31 May 2013 (please indicate whether or not you plan to attend both workshops).
Lara Montesinos Coleman, University of Sussex
Doerthe Rosenow, Oxford Brookes University
Karen Tucker, University of Bristol
*published as Lara Montesinos Coleman and Karen Tucker (eds.), Situating Global Resistance: Between Discipline and Dissent (Abingdon: Routledge, 2012) and as a special issue of Globalizations 8:3 (2011).
The virtual special issue of International Political Sociology on Territorialities, Spaces, Geographies, is out now, with free access to the articles for a year.
Territorialities, Spaces,
Every year, IPS publishes an online free special issue based on articles previously published in the journal on a similar theme. This issue remains accessible free of charge for one year. The issue has just been published online and the link to this special issue is the following:
This special issue presents a selection of works at the interstices between international relations and geography. It is an invitation for intensifying debates in International Political Sociology on transformations of space and scales, the use of geographical methods and concepts, and the nature and limits of geographical thought in international and global relations. The international is a spatial category and has been invested by variable geographies. The world of the international is flat; a two-dimensional world of relations between sovereign states claiming exclusive power over their territory and people. The international also persistently and often violently draws lines between itself and its outside: worlds of colonies, the uncivilised, transnational networks, and others. Recently, topographic categories are increasingly challenged by topological modes of enacting spatial relations and by analyses foregrounding the importance of temporal practices and narratives. This special issue samples an international political sociology that deploys and critically engages territorial, spatial, geographical modes of thinking and politics. What are the limits and transformations of spatial practices in contemporary politics? How are territorialities, borders, and lines invested in methods of governing and conceptions of order? What is the impact of foregrounding temporality and mobility on spatial categorizing of the international? How are geopolitics and territoriality produced?
Table of contents
The Territorial Trap of the Territorial Trap: Global Transformation and the
Problem of the State’s Two Territories
Nisha Shah
Henri Lefebvre on state, space, territory
Neil Brenner and Stuart Elden
Know-where: geographies of knowledge of world politics,
John Agnew
Space, Boundaries, and the Problem of Order: a View from Systems Theory
Jan Helmig, Oliver Kessler
Nick Vaughan-Williams
Rethinking Community: Translation Space as a Departure from Political
Reiko Shindo
Education and the formation of geopolitical subjects
Martin Muller
Terrence Lyons and Peter Mandaville
Activités marchandes et pratiques de la frontières
(Trade activities and border practices)
for the journal Territoire en Mouvement : Revue de Géographie et d’Aménagement
Deadline for proposals : 20 May 2013
Deadline for papers : 30 October 2013
Contact : Nicolas LEBRUN, Université d’Artois, UFR d’Histoire et Géographie
See details here
Notes for authors here
(scroll down for English version):
Appel à propositions
La revuede géographie Belgeo (http://belgeo.revues.org) compte publier un numéro consacré au thème des minorités ethniques ou nationales, sous la direction de Franck Chignier-Riboulon, Anne Garrait-Bourrier et Stéphane Rosière.
Les manifestations d’intérêt (accompagnées d’un très court résumé) devraient parvenir au secrétariat de la revue avant la fin juin 2013 (cvdmotte@ulb.ac.be), avec copie à franck.chignier-riboulon@univ.bpclermont.fr, Anne.garrait-bourrier@univ-bpclermont.fr, et stephanerosiere@orange.fr
Après accord des éditeurs du numéro et du comité éditorial de Belgeo, les articles seront attendus pour fin octobre 2013, pour une publication fin 2013 ou début 2014.
Parmi les thèmes suggérés, de manière non limitative :
– Le concept de minorité ethnique ou nationale, nouvelles perspectives ;
– Aspirations à la différence vs. intégration et/ou tentatives d’assimilation ;
– Le territoire en tant qu’enjeu entre majorité et minorité ; les manipulations des découpages territoriaux ;
– L’Etat et les minorités et les mythes ethniques et nationaux ;
– La géographie des stratégies de résistance ;
– Les minorités dans les Etats multiculturels ; statut de minorité ethnique vs. multiculturalisme ;
– Les compétitions entre minorités.
Call for papers
Belgeo, Belgian journal of geography, would like to publish an issue on ethnic or national minorities, edited by Franck Chignier-Riboulon, Anne Garrait-Bourrier and Stéphane Rosière
Abstracts (with a title and few references) are expected to last June 2013. Proposals have to be emailed to Christian Vandermotten (cvdmotte@ulb.ac.be),with copy to franck.chignier-riboulon@univ.bpclermont.fr, Anne.garrait-bourrier@univ-bpclermont.fr, eandstephanerosiere@orange.fr
After a double-blind peer review, full selected papers are expected to last October, 2013 (deadline), and the issue will be published to last 2013 or early 2014.
We propose few topics (below), but possibilities are wider.
– National and ethnic concept(s): new vistas and issues;
– Identity demands vs. integration/assimilation policies;
– Territorial issues between minority and majority; managing, negotiating and manipulating cut-offs;
– Minorities and States, behind ethnic and national myths;
– A geography of resistances and their strategies;
– Minorities in multicultural States (officially or not); status vs. multiculturalism;
– Public policies and minorities comp
Andre Siegfried’s heritage: an electoral geography conference at Cerisy (France) 4-8 June 2013
DU MARDI 4 JUIN (19 H) AU SAMEDI 8 JUIN (18 H) 2013
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