• 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting

Deadline for abstracts 10 December 2018 (See https://www.ntnu.edu/geography/calls-and-deadlines)

Sustainable Geography – Geographies of Sustainability

The 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim, Norway, June 16 – 19 2019

The term ‘sustainable development’ has become part of our everyday vocabulary, especially after the World Commission on Environment and Development published its report Our Common Future in 1987. As a result of the Commission’s report, the consequences of economic reason for all living systems, was explicitly put on the agenda. Thus, through sustainable development economic growth and long term environmental concerns were configured as compatible and in fact complementary with securing a sustainable common future. While the notions of sustainable development and sustainability have received widespread criticism for being all-encompassing, apolitical and elitist, they are still very much part of the rhetoric ‘weaponry’ mobilized, now often in combination with the terms green economy and green growth, to describe and prescribe why and how to deal with contemporary and future global challenges.
Sustainable Geography – Geographies of Sustainability provide opportunities to engage with ideas of sustainability within geographical scholarship, the politics of sustainability beyond the academy and the shifting discipline of geography itself. At the 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting in Trondheim we ask: What are the emerging challenges across the world and what role should or could the discipline of geography play in addressing and solving them, both within and beyond the academy? What emotions, behaviours, moralities, powers, transformations, hopes, grieves and responsibilities at different scales are implicated in thinking and acting sustainably? To what extent are our conceptual and methodological toolkits attuned to the shifting geographies of sustainability of the world today? Resources are distributed based on historically unmatched levels of inequality. Are we, then, at a point in time where ‘our uncommon future’ is becoming an increasingly apt diagnosis? What alternative agendas and concepts are emerging that challenge or complement sustainability as a problem formulation and agenda for the future?
See for details https://www.ntnu.edu/geography/ngm-2019

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