• CPG Travel Grants

CPG Travel Grants for
-the 3rd Brazilian Congress on Political Geography, Geopolitics and Territorial Management (CONGEO) in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,
-the 2018 Thematic Conference “Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges” in Moscow, Russia,
-the IGU Regional Conference – CAG Annual Meeting “Apprécier la difference/Appreciating difference” in  Québec, Canada,
PhD students and early career geographers can apply for a CPG Travel grant (US$ 500) to support attendance and present a paper (one grant for each conference).
The grant is reserved for participants coming from outside Brazil (for the CONGEO conference), Russia (for the Moscow thematic conference), and Canada (for the IGU Regional Conference). Applicants should submit an abstract and a note from session organizers confirming that the paper has been accepted, a 2-page summary, a CV, and a letter of motivation to both the CPG Co-Chairs, Virginie Mamadouh (V.D.Mamadouh@uva.nl) and Alec Murphy (abmurphy@uoregon.edu) via email by 1 March 2018. A decision will be communicated by 8 March. Grants to the awardees will be in the form of cash payments in USD after presentation have been made.


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